The tragic life of a Norwich woman who "just wanted to help others" was destroyed by the sexual abuse she suffered as a child, an inquest has heard.

Faie Abbott died in her home at the age of 49 in January this year, having suffered the combined effects of bronchopneumonia and drug toxicity.

An inquest into her death was held at Norfolk Coroner's Court, which heard Miss Abbott had longstanding struggles with substance abuse and poor mental health - which she tried doggedly to overcome.

But the court was told these troubles had stemmed from a traumatic childhood which saw her suffer a campaign of sexual abuse when she was just 12 years old.

In a statement read to the court, her sister said: "Faie had a very troubled childhood but only ever told a couple of close friends so kept this to herself and suffered trauma in silence.

"She struggled with her mental health but never felt the help was there for her."

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Paying tribute to her sister, she added: "Faie was a lovely soul and always wanted to help others.

"But sexual abuse destroyed her in many ways and I never really got her back."

The court heard that leading up to her death she was not taking illicit drugs, but that she had become addicted to prescription drugs.

On January 7, her housemate found her unresponsive in the bedroom of their home in Woodside Road

Paramedics were called and CPR was given, but she died that afternoon.

A post-mortem of her body found several medications in her system, including methadone, which she had not been prescribed.

It also found signs she was suffering with bronchopneumonia at the time. 

Jacqueline Lake, Norfolk's senior coroner, concluded she had died from a combination of natural causes and a drug-related death.