Plans to expand a business park in the city outskirts have been given the green light.

Blofield Business Park is set to get more offices after Broadland District Council approved plans to grow the site.

Under the proposals an extension will be built onto the centre to create more space for RenEnergy, the biggest occupant at the location, as well as more offices for other businesses.

Four offices will be built to the rear of the building, as well as kitchen and bathroom facilities.

The business park has been steadily growing for the last decadeThe business park has been steadily growing for the last decade (Image: Google)

More than 40 car parking spaces will be added under the plans, as well as a new communal courtyard with the plan to add additional trees including fruit trees along with beehives.

According to the application, submitted by Damian and Lori Baker, the co-founders of RenEnergy, "the success of Blofield Business Centre" has far exceeded their expectations.

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Blofield Business Centre is currently the home to 20 businesses, with nearly 75 people working at the site daily.

The space is currently at full occupancy with a waiting list.

Paul Newstead, Conservative councillor for Blofield and South Walsham, has welcomed the growth of the centre.

Plans for the site show the new building, car parking spaces and green areaPlans for the site show the new building, car parking spaces and green area (Image: Blofield Business Centre via Broadland District Council)

He said: "This is good news.

"Having more local businesses that don't have a negative impact on residential areas is a really good thing for a village like Blofield.

"This could also help bring further employment to the village, especially as it continues to grow.

"It is all very good building houses but people have to be able to work, and this provides very local employment opportunities for those moving to the village."

Under the decision, work has to begin on the expansion in the next three years.