A 69-year-old retired nurse harassed a former boyfriend by sending him multiple messages, calling him and turning up at his address, a court was told.

Karen Cattle admitted stalking the man between May 13 and June 21 when she appeared before King's Lynn magistrates.

Stephen Munton, prosecuting, said Cattle had begun a relationship with him over Christmas.

He moved into her home in Glebe Court, Syderstone, near Fakenham.

But when she went on holiday shortly afterwards, she returned to find he had moved back in with a previous partner.

Mr Munton said Cattle repeatedly called his mobile and landline, sent him "an excessive amount of messages", attended his home and banged on the windows.

George Sorrell, for Cattle, said she was was a retired nurse who was of previous good character.

"She is an ordinary lady of advancing years who became associated with a man. It didn't work out and she was deeply wounded," he said.

Magistrates gave Cattle a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered her to pay costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £26.