A man has been jailed after admitting to burgling a home in Norwich while blackout drunk. 

Justin Lake, 20, broke into a home in Terrance Walk and stole a ring and two credit cards on March 8, 2023. 

He was linked to the scene by a fingerprint he left on a window frame.

Later, during questioning, he said he had been too drunk to remember being there but suggested he may have wanted to find money for more alcohol.

At the time Lake, now of HMP Brinsford, had been staying at a hotel in Swaffham.

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A search of the venue uncovered documents and items that connected him to two other incidents.

These were a house burglary in London Street in Swaffham where he stole bank cards and a bike and a theft from a motor vehicle in Kensington Place in Norwich.

Lake had been jailed for an unrelated offence on March 27, 2023, and was visited in prison by investigator Duncan Etchells.

He admitted the extra offences and they were taken into consideration by Norwich Crown Court at his sentencing on September 4 this year.

As a third-striker – someone who has been convicted of burglary on at least three occasions including at least once as an adult - he was handed a mandatory sentence of 876 days, just under two years and five months.