A man is lucky to be alive after escaping a boat fire on the Norfolk Broads with just the clothes on his back. 

Michael Moore woke up at 7am on Sunday to find his cooking stove malfunctioning and on fire.  

“The curtains caught fire and then everything turned into a fireball extremely quickly," explained Mr Moore, who has been staying with a friend for the last two days. 

The 60-year-old managed to escape the boat without any serious injuries but was left with a singed face and hair. 

Four fire crews battled the blaze in Sutton for two hours and were aided by police, HM Coastguard and Broads Authority rangers.  

Despite his lucky escape, Mr Moore, who had been living on the boat for the last three years after previously being homeless, was left with only the clothes he was wearing.  

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Michael MooreMichael Moore woke up to find his cooking stove malfunctioning (Image: Submitted)

"To have to start from scratch all over again at 60 with nothing is really hard - I think I've just been in shock for the past two days," he said.   

"People have been so very kind donating things and helping me out. 

"I'm really grateful to the emergency services and the rangers too." 

Four fire crews attended the incidentFour fire crews attended the incident (Image: Submitted)

Marcus Short, a friend of Mr Moore, set up a GoFundMe to help him rebuild his life and at the time of writing, the fundraiser has reached £850 of its £1,000 target. 

Mr Short, an armed forces veteran, said: "We're part of the liveaboard community - people can be prejudiced against us but we're a tight-knit bunch and we look out for each other.  

"There's lots of things Mike will need to buy so I wanted to help him out. 

Fire crews stayed at the scene for two hoursFire crews stayed at the scene for two hours (Image: Submitted)

"We reduced the target down from £2,500 after someone offered to donate a boat.  

"People have been so kind and generous." 

A spokeswoman for the Broads Authority added: "Our sympathies are with the boat owner who lost their home and belongings to the fire. 

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Pollution control booms have been placed around the sunken vessel Pollution control booms have been placed around the sunken vessel (Image: Submitted)

"Broads Authority Rangers have placed pollution control booms around the vessel to minimise the impact on the surrounding area. 

"Vessels can still navigate in the area and we are working with the relevant parties to raise the vessel as soon as possible."