A £1,000 prize is up for grabs for Norfolk children's nature projects.

The Bishop of Norwich First Nature Award offers the sum to a Norfolk project or organisation that helps children and young people connect with nature.

The award is open to voluntary, charitable, religious, cultural, or community groups, and schools, working in Norfolk.

It is part of the First Nature Campaign, dedicated to boosting young people's physical and mental wellbeing, resilience, and environmental care by enhancing their understanding and access to the natural world.

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Nigel Boldero of First Nature said: “This is a great way to acknowledge the wonderful work that an increasing number of schools, community groups and other projects are doing to expand opportunities for children to connect with nature - not just to learn about it, but to appreciate its beauty, be inspired creatively and get a real lift.”

The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd Graham Usher, who is the Church of England’s lead bishop on the environment, said: “Everyone should have the chance to connect with God’s wonderful creation and I am delighted to support this award for a project helping the youngest citizens of Norfolk connect with some of its oldest treasures – our wildlife, woodland, wetlands, wide open spaces and places for nature to thrive."

Paston Footprints, a volunteer-led project, won the inaugural award last year for its family, wellbeing, heritage, and creative trails featuring the historic Paston family.

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The judging panel is particularly interested in projects that young people have helped plan and deliver.

Representatives from Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Norfolk Museums Service’s Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse, the Broads Authority, the Bishop of Norwich, and community youth groups, including young people from Norfolk’s Youth Advisory Boards, will form the judging panel.

Entries must be submitted by the end of September.