A housing association has reported a successful year of growth.

Flagship Group, which owns and manages more than 32,000 homes across East Anglia, announced a year of significant growth, substantial investments, and a focus on customer service for the financial year ending March 31, 2024.

The group added 688 affordable homes to their stock and achieved a Tenant Satisfaction Measure score of 71.9 per cent for their rented homes.

The group's operating surplus increased to £90.1 million, providing funds for reinvestment in existing homes and the construction of new ones.

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Their commitment to sustainability saw 62pc of their homes rated EPC-C or above, moving towards the target of all homes reaching this standard by 2030.

More than £95m was invested in existing properties, including more than £50m in capital improvements, ensuring their homes remain safe, modern, and environmentally sustainable.

Peter Hawes, chairman of Flagship Group, said: "This year’s achievements wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment and dedication of our staff and Board members.

"Their passion, creativity, and tireless efforts have been instrumental in driving Flagship forward.

"We have not only achieved excellent performance that directly benefits our customers but also tackled the challenges we face, particularly in providing repairs quickly and effectively.

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"We recognise that our customers deserve the best service, and we are committed to addressing these issues head-on.

"By focusing on reducing outstanding repairs and investing in our core teams, we are determined to provide a faster, more reliable repairs service for all our customers."

The group is also committed to understanding and addressing customer concerns, anticipating their needs, and continuously improving based on their input.

The development of their "Tenant Voice Framework" and "The Influencer Network" allows customers to directly influence services, with 56 influencers participating in various scrutiny events and new digital engagement initiatives.