A driver who failed a roadside drugs test claimed he had been rubbing cocaine on his gums to self-medicate for toothache.

David Turner, 68, told officers he had used the drug to ease the "extraordinary" pain after having had 12 teeth removed.

He appeared at Norwich Crown Court on Monday after he admitted possession of cocaine as well as drug driving.

The court heard how Turner, who had previous convictions for Class A drug offences, was stopped in his car by police on December 30 and asked to do a roadside test.

Norwich Crown CourtNorwich Crown Court (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)

After failing, he told police he had taken cocaine on Christmas Eve.

Hollie Davies-Regan, prosecuting, said Turner said he had been "suffering from toothache and put a small amount of cocaine on his gum to help manage that pain".

Miss Davies-Regan said that offence followed a previous incident on November 28 last year when Turner was stopped by police and found to have a bag of cocaine on him and in the door of his car.

Turner, of St Benedict's Street, also admitted two breaches of a 24 month suspended prison sentence imposed in January 2023 after he admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine as well as possession of the class A drug.

Recorder Alastair Smith acknowledged Turner's use of cocaine "was in part medicinal" after he found himself in "significant pain".

David TurnerDavid Turner (Image: Peter Walsh, Newsquest)

But he insisted Turner had a "worrying relationship with cocaine both as a user and a seller".

Turner was made the subject of a 12 month community order, ordered to carry out 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) and was banned from driving for 12 months.

Martin Ivory, mitigating, said Turner had been using cocaine at the time to self medicate.

He said he was "beside himself" having had 12 tooth extractions and in an "extraordinary" amount of pain as a result of the significant amount of dental work he had.

But Mr Ivory said Turner "was using too much of it".

Turner was also fined £200 for each breach of the suspended sentence and ordered to pay £150 costs.