It "felt like Groundhog Day" for a Lowestoft woman when a car crashed outside her house for a second time. 

Laura Wilson, 46, has lived in St Peter's Street in the Suffolk town since 2008.

Back in August 2014, she was five months pregnant and sleeping on the sofa in her lounge when a car collided with her front garden wall at around 1am. 

The damage to Laura Wilson's lounge after the crash in 2014The damage to Laura Wilson's lounge after the crash in 2014 (Image: © Archant 2014)

It sent bricks and debris through her bay window, but she miraculously escaped unscathed and no arrests were made. 

However, it caused £10,000 worth of damage and she had to move out for nine weeks.

She launched a petition to introduce traffic calming measures, as it followed similar incidents along the street, and it amassed 2,000 signatures.

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Laura Wilson, pictured here in 2024, is once again calling for traffic calming measures Laura Wilson, pictured here in 2024, is once again calling for traffic calming measures (Image: Laura Wilson)

Despite calls for speed cameras, the eventual outcome was reflecting posts outside her house to indicate a bend.

Fast forward to September 2024 and on Friday night, Ms Wilson returned home at 8.30pm and headed to her back room.

She said: "At around 8.50pm, a car crashed into my front garden wall, which took the initial impact, and there is also damage to the garden walls at the properties on either side.

The damage to her front garden wall after the crash on Friday nightThe damage to her front garden wall after the crash on Friday night (Image: Laura Wilson)

"Luckily there was no damage to my house this time and I now have safety glass in my bay window. 

"I am glad that my children Daisy, who I was pregnant with back in 2014, and Oscar were not there at the time."

Suffolk Police attended the scene and the male driver of the Grey Suzuki, who had no reported injuries, was arrested.

He was suspected of drink driving and it is not currently known if he has been charged.

The damage to her front garden wall after the crash on Friday nightThe damage to her front garden wall after the crash on Friday night (Image: Laura Wilson)

The road was closed while the vehicle was recovered, with a fire crew from Lowestoft South and the ambulance service also there.

Ms Wilson added: "I have contacted my insurance company and local councillors who are getting in touch with Suffolk Highways to do something about the situation.

"I have been looking at old photos from 2014 and it feels like Groundhog Day."