A Norwich man has been sentenced for multiple child sex offences which put his victims through ‘deep trauma’.

Callan Day, 33, of Sleaford Green was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court on Monday to 16 years in prison with one year to be served on license.

Day was sentenced for two counts of rape, one count of sexual assault, three counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of causing a child to watch a sexual act.

He is also now subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) which prevents any unsupervised contact with any child.

The court heard that the offences took place in Norwich while the victim was a vulnerable young child from the mid-2010s up until this year.

Officers were first informed about the case when the child spoke to their school about what had been happening.

Day was then arrested shortly after, interviewed, charged and remanded into custody.

He subsequently pleaded guilty to the charges against him.

The victim said: “Until only a few months ago I had to deal with this deep trauma by myself. No young person should have to carry this by themselves but due to what Callan did, I had to for years and years.

Speaking directly to Callan, they added: “If I could take all that time back that you stole from me then I would, but I can’t and I have to live with that. I can’t fully put into words how I feel about you other than just deep anger because you wasted my youth.”

PC Joe McLoughlin said: “It took a great deal of bravery for this victim to speak to us. The abhorrent crimes committed have caused a great deal of trauma and continues to have a profound impact on their life. We would like to say thank you to them for coming forward to police and hope that the fact Day is now imprisoned will help to go, at least some way, to seeing justice done. “