The Food Enterprise Park near Norwich has become a magnet for innovative food firms, said agents - proving its importance to Norfolk's diverse agricultural economy.

The 100-acre development site at Easton, within the Greater Norwich Food Enterprise Zone, aims to support food production, processing and agri-tech businesses.

Occupants already include one of the world's largest indoor "vertical farms", built by Fischer Farms, whose revolutionary approach to sustainable food production involves growing crops on stacked trays using hydroponic techniques in a biosecure, climate-controlled and fully automated environment.

Another success story is Condimentum, which has created a state-of-the-art mustard and mint processing facility. The business, formed by a consortium of local farmers, mills mustard flour for Colman's - retaining the famous brand's historic links with Norfolk after manufacturer Unilever moved its production base from Norwich to Burton-on-Trent.

The park is also home to the Broadland Food Innovation Centre, which includes 13 food grade units, developed by Broadland District Council.

And there is more to come, with a large, "cutting-edge" wine processing facility due to be built following the most recent sale of a seven-acre plot.

Property agents said strong demand for space has resulted in only a couple of plots remaining available in the 46-acre first phase.

They said the park's appeal was heightened by its energy infrastructure, its fast-track planning regime via a pre-agreed Local Development Order (LDO), and its location alongside the A47 - which is soon to be dualled and upgraded.

It also benefits from is its proximity and links to the world-class food research and bioscience expertise at the Norwich Research Park. 

All of this helps it add value to Norfolk's food production, and improve the proportion of home-grown farm produce which is processed locally - retaining its value in the Norfolk economy.

Nick Dunn, a partner and head of commercial at Brown&Co, which is marketing the site, said: "There is a real buzz around the FEP, and companies are excited to explore how they can be part of it.

"The benefits of co-locating and clustering with other sector specific, like-minded organisations is compelling.

"Having ‘shovel ready’ plots with planning already in place is a great catalyst for growth."