A man has received a fine and points on his licence after being caught driving noisily by a specialist camera.

The driver was captured wheel spinning for approximately 27 metres and leaving marks on the surface of the road by an acoustic recognition camera in Marine Parade in Great Yarmouth.

He was issued with a Traffic Offence Report, three points on his licence and a £100 fine.

A noise-detecting camera in Great YarmouthA noise-detecting camera in Great Yarmouth (Image: Great Yarmouth Borough Council) Funded by the Home Office's Safer Streets Fund, the cameras look similar to speed cameras but are fitted with a microphone and automatic number plate recognition technology.

The aim is to capture noisy anti-social behaviour such as sounding a car horn unnecessarily, playing excessively loud music, racing and performing stunts such as doughnuts, skidding and handbrake turns.

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All footage is reviewed before notices are issued to drivers and aim to reduce pressure on police resources.

A new sound-activated camera was recently installed outside St Nicholas Car Park on the South Beach Parade as part of a trial to tackle the noise pollution created by anti-social drivers. 

The car was seized by policeThe car was seized by police (Image: Great Yarmouth Police) The seafront is a popular spot for car and motorbike meet-ups and under Operation Octane, Norfolk Constabulary say they work with the enthusiasts to keep things "safe and sensible".

At a recent meet-up in Great Yarmouth on August 18, more than 80 cars and 10 motorbikes had gathered, and six verbal warnings were issued for loud music and unnecessary acceleration and revving.

A driver in his 30s also had his vehicle seized after he was found to have no licence or insurance - he is likely to receive a fine and points on any future licence.