Works to remove crumbling concrete from a Norfolk primary school are expected to continue for the rest of the year.

Last August, changes to government guidelines on reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in education settings saw the main hall of Thomas Bullock Church of England Primary Academy in Shipdham closed off to pupils at the 11th hour.

The hall, which was used for PE, assembly and lunches, was out of action for the entire school year and replaced with a marquee on part of the playing field.

(Image: DNEAT)

Works to failsafe the hall's roof have been ongoing since the guidelines came in and continued throughout the summer.

This has seen the scaffolding and a roof covering now surrounding the hall.

Oliver Burwood, chief executive of the Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust, which runs the school, said the next step would be for contractors to measure up steel to replace the RAAC, before removing the panels one at a time and installing the new ones.

He said: "This is a further complex process due to the load-bearing nature of the RAAC panels.

"The hall can only be used after all RAAC is removed and currently works are on track, meaning this should be completed by January 2025.

"As in any complex build, any additional issues uncovered during the removal and replacement process could add additional time."

Pupils were welcomed back to the school this term and will continue to use the marquee for the time being.

(Image: Newsquest)

Shannon O'Sullivan, headteacher, said: "Staff are delighted to welcome the children back to school to see all the changes that have taken place over the summer.

"We know children will enjoy seeing the progress of the build over time.

"The whole Shipdham community is being really supportive, including the bowls club, which has given us additional car parking spaces as ours have been reduced by the works."