A former soldier falsely claimed to have terminal cancer as part of a campaign of harassment against a Norfolk woman.  

Jason Ward, 35, faked needing to undergo brain surgery and sent messages seeking sympathy from the woman, Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard.

Nicola Lamb, prosecuting, said he had also bombarded her with a torrent of “vile messages”, including personal slurs about her appearance on an almost daily basis.  

In a statement read in court, she said: “I don’t think he is afraid. It has made me very nervous.”

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Ward, from Aldershot in Hampshire, previously also lived in King’s Lynn. He pleaded guilty to multiple breaches of a restraining order against the woman, a former partner.

The court was told he had previously served in the armed forces, including tours of Afghanistan and Northern Ireland. 

James Burrows, mitigating, said the former couple had children together.  

“Cases like this are always highly emotionally charged,” he added.

Magistrates adjourned sentencing until November 5 for reports, warning him: “All options are open and that doesn't preclude you going to prison.”