One of the busiest sections of a major A road crossing Norfolk could see a new speed limit introduced.

National Highways has sent out a letter detailing plans to lower the speed limit across a section of the A47 between Little Fransham and the Dereham Bypass - a five-mile stretch of road.

The reduction aims to take the current speed limit of 60mph down to 50mph and the road safety proposal will also include speed camera enforcement measures.

Adrian Clothier, engineering team manager for road safety, said in the letter: "We've identified this area as one in need of these measures based on the Department for Transport's collision data collected between 2017 and 2021.

"This will help contribute to a safer journey for our customers."

Mr Clothier said there were 27 injury collisions and 41 casualties reported across the five-year period.

The blue highlighted route is an estimated look at where the speed limit could be implemented.The blue highlighted route is an estimated look at where the speed limit could be implemented. (Image: Google Maps)
He said in the letter: "The improvement has been assessed to deliver the highest reduction in serious injury and deaths at a local level to the east region.

"Safety is and will always be our number one priority. That is why our ambition remains that no one should be harmed while travelling or working on our roads."

Mr Clothier said the proposals are "still in a formative stage" and he encouraged organisations, businesses and individuals who could be affected by the plans to respond to the consultation. 

The next steps will include design proposals and for National Highways to submit a Permanent Traffic Regulation Order application - the legal mechanism for implementing any permanent changes to the highway network.  

A statutory notice period lasting a minimum of 21 days where further comments can be made will start once the application has been submitted.

Mr Clothier said: "As part of this process, we will make information publicly available in person at local venues as well as on a dedicated webpage." 

Responses can be submitted to and should be done by September 20.