A Norwich mother who whipped her seven-year-old son with a belt has been given a suspended jail sentence. 

The 44-year-old, who was reported to police by the child's nanny, admitted cruelty after she thrashed the youngster in punishment for soiling himself. 

Norwich Crown Court was told the nanny witnessed the incident at the family’s home in Cringleford in August 2023.

Chris Youell, prosecuting, said the nanny had also used her phone to record video that showed footage and audio of parts of the incident.  

“The child was said to be expecting punishment and was taken to a bedroom where he was hit across the naked buttocks with a belt taken from a drawer that was used as a whip,” he added.  

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The mother, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had previously pleaded guilty at Norwich Magistrates’ Court to a single charge of assault causing unnecessary suffering to a child.

The maximum sentence for child cruelty was increased to 14 years in 2022. 

But Lord Justice Edis suspended a 20 month sentence for 12 months, telling her the effect of his mother being locked up would further harm the child.

He said through her actions she had risked “very serious psychological consequences upon a vulnerable child” to punish him for “what he could not help and for which he was already ashamed”. 

Lord Justice Edis suspended a 20 month sentence for 12 monthsLord Justice Edis suspended a 20 month sentence for 12 months (Image: Ministry of Justice)

“You behaved in a way you clearly thought was alright at the time. It was actually a serious crime against your child,” he added.

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The court was told social services had monitored the family for three months following the incident and that the boy had stayed with his mother throughout. 

Joe Bird, mitigating, said her actions had been “completely out of character” and had come at a time when the family were facing pressures. 

“This was clearly a difficult time for her,” he said. “She snapped and she went too far. She recognises that.”