Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) is a leading representative body for the UK’s offshore energy industry, giving a voice to over 400 organisations and businesses throughout the country.

Its membership is open to all companies from the largest producers and developers, to contractors, consultancies and the smallest start-ups.

OEUK is proud to engage, inform and champion both the industry and its workforce. It works closely with its members to meet the UK’s energy demands sustainably and ensure a prosperous future for generations to come. It does this by:

  • Holding industry-led events where its members help to shape the agenda and collaborate with peers to identify and promote good practices.
  • Providing the latest market intelligence, comprehensive industry insights, award-winning guidelines and updates on legislative and policy developments.
  • Raising the profile of the UK offshore energy industry.
  • Promoting open dialogue across all sectors on technical, fiscal, safety, environmental and training issues.
  • Engaging with governments, regulators and other external parties on initiatives and programmes.

OEUK is building on its heritage, broadening its offer to members, and championing the UK’s integrating energy sector of the future.

The organisation represents companies that support oil and gas, offshore wind, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) energies.

Oil and gas

In all energy scenarios, oil and gas will continue to play a role in providing secure energy supplies.

OEUK’s work is as vital as ever as it looks to continue producing the oil and gas the UK needs, efficiently and with production emissions as low as possible, while working with others to cut the emissions from the use of oil and gas.


As hydrogen continues to emerge, OEUK supports members that are actively working on hydrogen production as well as those that are moving into this important area of growth.

Its membership represents a skilled, diverse and broad supply chain. Many of its supply chain companies are already working across the range of energies that it represents in various ways. It is crucial that they continue to benefit from OEUK’s experience in best practice, standards and the access to knowledge via its networks, forums and events.

Expertise in liquification, shipping and pipelines make hydrogen a complementary fit and an area where the expertise and resources at OEUK can be shared for maximum benefit.

OEUK members have a chance to attend industry-led eventsOEUK members have a chance to attend industry-led events (Image: Offshore Energies UK)


The UK government recognises carbon capture and storage as being crucial for the success of the UK achieving its net zero targets.

OEUK’s members are leading the way in developing CCS infrastructure and storage facilities at scale in order to support and achieve these targets. Given the scale of the challenge, significant investment, policy development and commercial frameworks are required – supported by businesses performing at their optimum efficiency.

The UK Continental Shelf is a basin well positioned to maximise CCS technology. With huge capacity for storage, there is a real opportunity to be grasped with collaborative action and coordination.

Offshore wind

Electrification of offshore oil and gas facilities presents an exciting opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of the UK’s energy production, helping us all to take big steps towards a net-zero future.

Current plans under consideration could involve rewiring the North Sea, building power networks that connect offshore production platforms to the national grid and working on synergies with offshore wind infrastructure to meet increasing demand.

Membership at OEUK

OEUK membership offers organisations within the offshore energy sector a platform for collaboration, innovation and advocacy. Members gain access to industry insights, regulatory updates and networking opportunities, facilitating the sharing of best practices and the promotion of sustainable energy solutions.

By joining OEUK, companies can influence policy development, stay informed about market trends and contribute to the advancement of offshore energy technologies and safety standards.

Members can reach a wide audience by sharing their case studies, news on OEUK’s website, social media platforms and in its quarterly magazine.

They can also enjoy discounted rates for advertising in the OEUK magazine and 35% off tickets to OEUK events, while taking advantage of profile-raising opportunities through supporting OEUK’s engagement with media and politicians across the UK.

Membership is available to all organisations operating in the UK offshore energy sector.

To find out more about OEUK membership and how to join its growing network, please visit