A nurse convicted of drug-dealing offences has finally been banned from the profession, four years after her case was heard in court.

Camella Chidgey admitted to being in possession of heroin with the intent to supply in November 2020. She was 53 and a nurse for the Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust at the time. 

Chidgey, of King's Lynn, was initially suspended by the Nursing and Midwifery Council following her convictions.

The suspension has since been renewed on a near-yearly basis, most recently at the beginning of September 2023. 

Following a hearing last month, she has now been struck from the NMC register completely.

Chidgey was neither present nor represented at the most recent hearing, having made "no engagement" with the NMC in the run-up to the case.

A report subsequently stated: "Miss Chidgey has still not provided evidence of demonstrated insight, an understanding of how her actions put patients at risk of harm, nor an understanding of why what she did was wrong and how this impacted negatively on the reputation of the nursing profession."

During previous hearings, panels opted to impose suspensions to give Chidgey further time to "gain a full understanding of how her conviction impacted the nursing profession".

However, on this occasion, the panel opted against a further suspension.

The report adds: "The panel was of the view that a member of the public would be shocked to know that a nurse who has had such serious convictions has not shown any insight into her actions and has ignored all recommendations made by the two pervious panels who highlighted what she would need to show a future reviewing panel.

"It therefore determined that public trust and confidence in the nursing profession will be impacted if a striking off order is not imposed."