Rupert Lowe, Great Yarmouth MP, has donated his monthly net parliamentary salary to Hemsby Lifeboat.

The donation to the independent lifeboat team will fund an essential underwater sonar search unit that will improve the effectiveness of search and rescue operations.

Mr Lowe said: “I visited Hemsby Lifeboat during the election campaign, and was moved by their work and dedication to the cause.

"Going out on the boat with the crew was an incredible experience, showing me the intense conditions that the team operate under.

"I am delighted to assist their efforts with this donation, and look forward to using my influence to help them in whatever way I can - particularly on the coastal erosion crisis which is threatening their station."

READ MORE: Lifeboat station under threat

Chris Batten, lifeboat helmsman, said: “We are all so grateful to Rupert for his selfless act and generosity.

"Regardless of political persuasion, this says a lot about the man behind the politics.

"This donation will allow us to increase significantly our SAR capabilities and identify and recover casualties far more efficiently."

Mr Lowe has pledged to donate his monthly net salary to good causes across his constituency each month.