A 23-year-old is urging the council to remove a “dangerous” metal stump that left his blind neighbour in hospital. 

Jack Ibbotson has warned others in Talbot Square in Norwich of an eight-inch bracket that has been causing locals to trip and fall. 

He first noticed the piece of metal when he moved to the area two years ago. 

A blind man has been hospitalised after falling over a large metal stump in Talbot Square (Image: Jack Ibbotson)

"Cars have to park a lot further forward than they should to avoid it," he said. "I always wondered what it was, but didn't think much of it." 

That was until last month when Jack heard a neighbour calling out for help from outside. 

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The man, who is blind and has health issues after suffering from meningitis, was on his way to the shops when he fell over the stump. 

He smashed his head on the ground and had to be rushed to hospital.  

Jack Ibbotson found his blind neighbour on the floor outside his Talbot Square home (Image: Jack Ibbotson)

"My neighbour said he suffers from brain bleeds, so hitting his head was the last thing he wanted to do,” Jack said. “I called the council an hour before the ambulance even arrived and they marked it as an emergency. 

"They said they were going to fix it later in the day. 

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"Two days later they came and surrounded it with four metal poles and some plastic fencing but now it is even more dangerous than before.  

“There is even more metal to trip over now- it should be removed.” 

The stump has been described as an "eight-twelve inch L-shaped metal bracket" (Image: Jack Ibbotson)

The stump, described as an "eight to 12-inch L-shaped metal bracket”, had already caused other trips and falls according to Jack.  

Three weeks after the incident on August 12, it is still in the ground. 

It is unclear who is responsible for the stump and Norfolk County Council and Norwich City Council have been contacted for comment.