A Rotary club is organising a charity lunch next month in support of the Bungay group Musical Lifelines.

The group meets weekly at the community centre to bring together people suffering from dementia, Parkinson’s or loneliness, and was started by professional musician Caroline Clarke, whose father suffered from Parkinson’s.

Music is a central part of the meetings and they are proving of great value to those attending.

The Rotary club’s immediate past president Tony Sprake recently presented a cheque to the Alzheimer’s Society - money raised during his year as president – and the club’s support for Musical Lifelines is an extension to that initiative.

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The lunch will be at the community centre on Friday, October 4, at 12.30pm. It will include a two-course meal and entertainment, and a raffle. Tickets are £10, and the club is hoping there will be a lot of support for a worthy cause.

To book call Richard Cundy on 01986 893300 or email richard.cundy@afiweb.net or call Terry Reeve on 01986 896416 or email terry.reeve19@btinternet.com