A Norfolk MP has criticised the government's plans to ban smoking in pub gardens, saying it "won't help public health".

Mid Norfolk MP George Freeman says the ban will hit the region's rural pubs hardest, as it was revealed Sir Keir Starmer is planning to extend the indoor smoking ban to a raft of outdoor locations.

He says it is in a bid to curb preventable deaths and reduce pressure on the NHS. 

Mid Norfolk MP George FreemanMid Norfolk MP George Freeman (Image: George Freeman/UK Parliament)

But Conservative MP Mr Freeman has said it is not the answer.

"An outright ban on smoking outside pubs won’t help public health - but it will hit our fragile rural pubs and rural economies hard just as they recover from the pandemic and Ukraine energy inflation spiral," he said. 

"The government should focus more on education of the health risks and preventing children from starting smoking instead of bans which deny adults in pubs the freedom of a smoke with their drink. 

READ MORE: Landlords warn smoking ban would be another 'nail in the coffin' for struggling pubs

"If Labour’s proposal of a blanket ban is adopted it will hit our rural pubs hard. If it’s a case of designating clear areas for smokers away from non-smokers I’m sure pubs can make it work.

"I urge ministers to listen to rural MPs and rural pubs to avoid hitting already vulnerable businesses."