Ongoing investigations overseas are holding up an inquest into the deaths of a Norfolk couple who died in a motorcycle crash while on holiday in Spain.

Kieron and Sharron Haines, a married couple from Hellesdon, died on the A-8 motorway near the resort town of Llanes after their motorbike was involved in a crash with a lorry.

An inquest into their deaths is continuing to be prepared, with reports at the time suggesting they had come off their bike during heavy rain and were hit by following vehicles.

However, the coroner's hearing is still awaiting the outcome of investigations from Spanish authorities before it can go ahead.

Mentioning the case at Norfolk Coroner's Court on Thursday, area coroner Yvonne Blake confirmed that inquests into the couple's deaths were not yet ready to be held.

It has previously been reported that Mr and Mrs Haines, 68 and 65 respectively, had recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and were both enthusiastic motorcyclists.

The pair also had an allotment together in Hellesdon and Mr Haines was a keen beekeeper.