A man found with a large haul of cannabis has admitted setting up a growing operation in a tent.  

Gavin Barker, 41, was arrested when cannabis weighing 453g was discovered after a car in which he was a passenger was stopped in August 2023. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told officers had searched his home address and found a growing set-up inside a tent that had been pitched in a backroom.  

READ MORE: Norwich father and son sentenced for cannabis dealing

Barker, of Coughtrey Close in Sprowston, who has 11 previous convictions including for growing drugs, pleaded guilty to production and possession of cannabis.

David Foulkes, mitigating, said he had been growing for his own use but has since stopped.  

“The amount is the street value if he had been selling it and there is no suggestion he was doing this,” he added.  

Magistrates ordered he undertake 15 rehabilitation days as part of a 12 month community order and pay fines and costs of £575.

“Had you been selling, custody would have followed. You already have a record for production so next time you would not be so lucky,” they added.