A school has been getting involved in storytelling after an event was put on by a national housing company this summer.

Watton Westfield Infant and Nursery School, situated near the Tedder Close development, is one of the schools taking part in Annington's reading challenge.

Five primary schools are participating in the summer reading programme Five primary schools are participating in the summer reading programme (Image: Submitted)

The scheme is aimed at promoting children's interest in reading and sharing stories.

Epic Tales storyteller, Chip Colquhoun, facilitated an afternoon workshop.

Pupils got involved in three different tales including an African fable featuring Anansi the Spider and a tiger.

Marketing manager at Annington, Stacy Whitehead, said: “Reading and telling stories is so important – not just for developing a child’s literacy skills, but for their imagination too.

"Yet, as our world becomes more and more digital, the importance that reading and telling stories once held has sadly lessened.

The story reveals that Tiger has found the only tree still bearing fruit The story reveals that Tiger has found the only tree still bearing fruit (Image: Submitted)

"This is why we have organised a reading challenge for schools neighbouring our developments to partake in this summer.

"We could not be prouder of all the efforts made so far, and we cannot wait to hear about all the new stories the children have read over the holidays.”

Furthermore, class teacher from Watton Westfield, Neve Lucas, added: “The children really enjoyed the story telling session and got caught up in all the fun.

Watton Westfield Infant and Nursery School hosted a storyteller to inaugurate the initiative at term's end Watton Westfield Infant and Nursery School hosted a storyteller to inaugurate the initiative at term's end (Image: Submitted)

"It was great to see them getting fully involved in the magic of stories, and they are all really excited to take up Annington on their reading challenge this summer.

"This is such a great initiative, and we thank Annington for providing the opportunity for our pupils to get involved.”