A nurse who inappropriately rubbed the crotch of a 17-year-old patient has been struck off from the register.

Mark Nopia, a nurse previously employed by the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, has been banned from his profession following three separate complaints of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

The complaints came following a trio of different incidents in which Mr Nopia was accused of touching somebody's penis or crotch area. Two came from patients, one aged just 17, and one from a colleague.

During a Nursing and Midwifery Council misconduct hearing, evidence was of complaints against Mr Nopia in three different hospitals, although he was employed by the N&N throughout the time.

The incidents were as follows:

  • In September 2020, at the N&N, Mr Nopia grabbed the penis of a colleague in a staff changing area and said "get it hard for me"

  • In October 2021, at Addenbrooke's Hospital he touched the penis of a patient a number of times during cannulation

  • In December 2021, at the James Paget University Hospital in Gorleston, he rubbed his thumb up and down the crotch of a 17-year-old patient.

In the third instance, the matter was reported to Suffolk Constabulary after the patient told his parents what had happened. However he later withdrew support for police action and the case did not proceed.

Mark Nopia, former N&N nurse, who has been struck off from nursingMark Nopia, former N&N nurse, who has been struck off from nursing (Image: BBC Look East)

Mr Nopia was not present or represented during the hearing this month, despite the NMC instructing a tracing agency to contact him.

However, the misconduct panel considered the allegations proven in his absence and struck him from the register.

NNUH interim chief nurse Rachael Cocker said: “We take incidents of misconduct in the workplace extremely seriously.

"At the time we acted immediately to support all involved, and those actions are outlined in the NMC’s ruling.

"Mr Nopia worked with us from September 2020 and left our employment in January 2024.”