Norfolk's "poshest" village is drawing up an emergency action plan to cope with natural disasters and major incidents.

Burnham Market Parish Council has set up a working group to outline the blueprint.

It says: "Nearly all emergencies affecting communities will be dealt with routinely by the emergency services working with the local authorities.

"However, a situation could occur such as extensive flooding, storm damage, deep snow, power outage or major incident, which could delay the arrival of outside assistance due to services being overwhelmed.

"If this happens, our community will need to help itself."

The village's most recent emergency was the flooding it suffered last winter.

Villagers had to bring in pumps to dry out homes and businesses, while some were unable to flush their toilets after water levels rose, causing an ancient watercourse to burst its banks.

A public meeting later heard a culvert could be widened to help drain away water, while there were also calls for additional council tax levied on second home owners to pay for improved defences.

The parish council is asking people to volunteer to be emergency wardens.

It is also carrying out a skills survey, asking for professionals who live in the village - including doctors, nurses, builders, plumbers and firefighters - to come forward.

Villagers are also being asked whether they have equipment which could be of use during an emergency, such as tractors, four-wheel drive vehicles, trailers, lifting gear, chainsaws and portable pumps.

The elderly and those with disabilities are also being given the option for the working group to keep their details on file, so it can arrange for them to be cared for in an emergency.

Villagers are being asked to return the surveys to the parish council, which has published them on its website.