A troubled mother-of-three died just two days after being discharged from hospital after "a cry for help" saw her admitted to A&E, an inquest had heard.

Hayley Birkett-Stubbs, from Framingham Earl, was admitted to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital in May last year, having taken an overdose.

While in hospital, she told staff she had taken it as "a cry for help" in the hope of accessing alcohol detoxification treatment - but then self-discharged.

Two days later, she was taken back to hospital after her friend noticed she had stopped breathing in her sleep. It was discovered she had suffered a hypoxic brain injury.

She died on May 20, 2023, three days after taking the overdose which saw her hospitalised.

Norfolk Coroner's Court heard Miss Birkett-Stubbs, who was 37, had longstanding struggles with alcohol abuse and as a result, her three children were taken into foster care.

However, the court heard she still had regular contact with them and was desperate to find support to put her struggles in the past.

It also heard that less than two weeks before her death, she was bailed after being charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol. She was due to appear at magistrates court in July.

Following her death, several substances were found in her system, including cocaine.

Yvonne Blake, area coroner for Norfolk, concluded that Miss Birkett-Stubbs had died a drug-related death.

She said: "This is a very tragic death for a young women who had sought help with alcohol misuse."

In a statement read to the court, her mother Judith Smith said that in the months leading up to her death Miss Birkett-Stubbs had been "making positive changes in her life".

She added: "We were all by her bedside when she died.

"She will always be in our hearts, and memories and will never be forgotten."