A man who carried out a sex act from a window in front of a passing woman has been warned he faces jail 

Bogdan Ababet, 43, was naked when he stood in a large bay window at the front of a terraced house on Boundary Road in Great Yarmouth.  

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told he had also attempted to lure the shocked woman into the property during the incident on July 29 last year.

Wayne Ablett, prosecuting, said: “She could clearly see a man standing in the property and described him as being completely naked and masturbating.

He carried out a sex act from a window on Boundary Road in Great YarmouthHe carried out a sex act from a window on Boundary Road in Great Yarmouth (Image: Google)

“She was the only person in the street and felt his actions were deliberately targeted at her. Upon seeing her he did not stop, in fact he motioned for her to enter the property.”

Shocked, she had immediately ran home and was so upset by the incident that she subsequently sought help from her doctor, he added. 

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In a statement the woman said: “I am now very scared to leave my own house. It left me feeling very uneasy around other men which has affected my job as a carer.”

Her uneasiness after the incident has meant she has stopped her four-year-old daughter from going outside due to her feeling it is no longer safe, she added.

When interviewed by police Ababet admitted being alone in the room at the time but denied a sex offence, the court was told. 

Ababet was warned he faces a possible jail sentenceAbabet was warned he faces a possible jail sentence (Image: Newsquest)

He was found guilty of indecent exposure following a trail in his absence at Great Yarmouth Magistrates’ Court when he failed to attend the hearing. 

He appeared in custody before Norwich magistrates after a warrant was issued for his arrest. 

READ MORE: CCTV issued after man exposes himself to women

Speaking through a Romanian interpreter he spoke only to confirm his name, age and address.

Magistrates ordered a pre-sentence report warning him all options were open including an immediate jail term. 

He was given bail to report to police twice a week until his sentencing on October 23.