The family of a missing man are "worried sick" about the welfare of their vulnerable loved one who has been missing for five days.

Manuel Pereira, 62, left his home in Nelson Road Central, Great Yarmouth at around 4am on Monday and has not been seen since. 

He is a former biology teacher who taught for many years in Guinea-Bissau, before moving to Portugal and then Great Yarmouth, where he and his family have lived for more than a decade.

Mr Pereira has two sons, one is aged 17, and the eldest, called Sansaw, is 22.

Since he went missing the pair of them have been searching the streets of the entire borough tirelessly for their father. 

Manuel Pereira's two sons when they were younger in Guinea-BissauManuel Pereira's two sons when they were younger in Guinea-Bissau

The family is especially worried as the father of two, who lives with his wife Segunea, is suffering from severe early-onset dementia.

Katie Cartwright, speaking on behalf of her boyfriend Sansaw and Mr Pereria's family, said: "We are increasingly worried for Manuel's welfare, due to his dementia he is unable to determine when he requires food, water and shelter.

"Manuel will also be without life-sustaining medication that he needs urgently, we are all worried sick, my boyfriend has not slept for four nights as he takes the search into his own hands.

"As the rain fell last night we were all so upset, we just want closure and for him to be found.

"We would all be extremely grateful if anyone has any information, because we all just want the kind, caring and lovely man back with his family."

The family added that they felt the authorities hadn't been taking the search seriously and they wanted more done by the police.

Manuel Pereria lived on Nelson Road Central, Great YarmouthManuel Pereira lived on Nelson Road Central, Great Yarmouth (Image: James Bass)

Yesterday however Norfolk Police issued a comment stating they were handing hundreds of leaflets, printed in both English and Portuguese, to homes and businesses across Great Yarmouth.

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Officers have previously asked locals to check any gardens and sheds to help locate Manuel.Manuel Pereira Manuel Pereira (Image: Norfolk police)Manuel is believed to be on foot and is described as black, bald, of slim build and around 5ft 11ins tall.

When he went missing Manuel was wearing a knee-length black padded coat over the top of a blue Tommy Hilfiger coat, a red and white t-shirt, blue jeans, Adidas grey trainers and possibly a black hat.

Anyone with information regarding his whereabouts is asked to immediately contact Norfolk Constabulary on 101 quoting reference number 427 of August 19.