An MP is calling for additional support and backing for a "crucial" community asset.

Lowestoft MP Jess Asato has written to veterans' organisations and government ministers after learning that one of the town's most historic hotels is facing a funding crisis.

On August 7, 1919 the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre in Lowestoft was set up in memory of one of the nation's greatest war heroes.

Founded by the former secretary of state for war, it provides seafront holiday accommodation in Lowestoft to ex-members of the armed, merchant and emergency services and their families.

Throughout its history the grade II listed building on Kirkley Cliff Road has provided a welcoming venue.

And after hosting the new Lowestoft MP for a visit, Ms Asato learned about the unique charity and their funding crisis.

Lowestoft MP Jess Asato with centre managers Duane and Caroline Ashworth at the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre. Picture: Jess AsatoLowestoft MP Jess Asato with centre managers Duane and Caroline Ashworth at the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre. Picture: Jess Asato (Image: Jess Asato)

Shown around the facility by centre managers Duane and Caroline Ashworth, Ms Asato also met with veterans benefiting from the centre's discounted stays.

Admitting she was "deeply moved by the stories she heard," Ms Asato emphasised "the importance of sustaining and expanding support for such crucial community assets," amid growing mental health and loneliness issues in veterans.

Lowestoft MP Jess Asato with centre managers Duane and Caroline Ashworth at the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre. Picture: Jess AsatoLowestoft MP Jess Asato with centre managers Duane and Caroline Ashworth at the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre. Picture: Jess Asato (Image: Jess Asato)

In a statement Mr and Mrs Ashworth said: "We continue to be a safe space for our Armed Forces and Blue Light community but, since Covid, we have lost a significant amount of funding.

"Yet we continue to provide discounts and free drop-in sessions.

"However, reserve funds are dwindling and we may not be able to continue without further support."

Ms Asato said: "Across the UK, nearly a third of veterans said they felt lonely always, often, or some of the time.

"Facilities like Kitcheners provide essential support and respite for those who have given so much to our country."

Stressing the need for collaborative efforts to address these issues and ensure long-term support for those who have served our country, Ms Asato said: "We must ensure they continue to receive the financial backing they need."

To show your support and donate to Kitcheners visit its fundraising website or to donate (via text message) £5 text CCAS01 to 70970.