The owners of a village convenience store are closing its doors after 20 years.

Darren and Zoe Ager have run The Corner Shop in Stoke Ferry for two decades but will close on September 28 after a "financially challenging" five years.

They explained that with "rising costs, shrinking profit margins, reduced footfall, customer spending habits and supply chain issues" they have struggled to "keep afloat".

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They added they "have now crossed the threshold where it is no longer viable to remain open" and assured locals that they "looked at every option" before deciding to close.

Speaking to this newspaper, Mrs Ager later added that she will miss her customers the most.

"Many of them have become like family to me - seeing them every day at the same time, sharing laughter, sharing tears and seeing all the dogs on their walks popping in for a treat," she recalled.

"But it was difficult being self-employed - being the last to be paid and, for the last five years, not even making minimum wage just to try and be there for the community."