The search is continuing for a missing 62-year-old man who has not been seen in three days.

Manuel Pereira left his home in Nelson Road Central at 3.50am on Monday and has not been seen since. 

Yesterday the police asked locals to check any gardens and sheds to help locate Manuel, but the appeal as of yet hasn't been successful.

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Yesterday Inspector Louise Wicks, who is leading the search, said: “We have been out looking for Manuel overnight and today and it is very concerning that there has been no sign of him.

“We have carried out searches of the area around his home in Nelson Road Central, checked CCTV and made house-to-house inquiries, but there have been no sightings since he left his home at around 3.50am.

“I would urge anyone who has seen him to get in touch and also to review any doorbell or dashcam footage that could help us to locate him.”

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Manuel is believed to be on foot and is described as black, bald, of slim build and around 5ft 11ins tall.

When he went missing Manuel was wearing a knee-length black padded coat over the top of a blue Tommy Hilfiger coat, a red and white t-shirt, blue jeans, Adidas grey trainers and possibly a black hat.

Anyone with information regarding his whereabouts is asked to immediately contact Norfolk Constabulary on 101 quoting reference number 427 of August 19.