Supporters of a man charged with resisting arrest were told they had to leave court after disrupting a hearing.

Philip Welch, 59, is accused of assaulting a police officer following an incident in Norwich on May 8 this year.

During the hearing at Norwich Magistrates’ Court a woman in the public gallery claiming to be a solicitor berated magistrates and the court legal advisor.

She and two other people had to be escorted out by security after she demanded to know the names of court staff and branded proceedings “disgusting” and “criminal”. 

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The case was adjourned after Welch, who was representing himself, demanded to see documents related to his case and claimed he was “under extreme duress”.

Welch, who gave an address at Buckenham Road in Strumpshaw but was previously of Wrentham near Beccles, did not enter a plea to a single charge of assault with the intent to resist or prevent his lawful apprehension or detention for an offence.

He was given unconditional bail until a plea hearing scheduled for October 22.