An inspirational mother's Instagram page on creative kids' packed lunches has evolved into an anticipated cookbook.

Rachel Stirling, of Norfolk, began sharing daily pictures of the imaginative meals she devised for her primary school-aged children.

She now boasts an Instagram following of more than 215k and has compiled her experiences and festive recipes in 'The Lunchbox Mama'.

The book provides a comprehensive guide to fun, balanced meals and includes chapters on easy wins, starting weeks strong, end of the week lunches, themed and school holiday lunches, and fun at home activities.

Stirling's book offers a nutritional formula and various ideas to engage kids in eating healthily.

READ MORE: Let children go wild during these summer holidays

It also aims to alleviate the stress of meal planning and instil an enjoyment of food preparation, conversation, and consumption.

Crafted from her personal experiences as a mum to two fussy eaters, Stirling's project is set to ease the everyday challenge of ensuring nutritious and delectable meals for schoolchildren.

Her lunchbox formula includes carbs, protein, dairy or a calcium-rich alternative, fruit, and vegetables.

With scope for variety, her solutions remain cost-effective without compromising on taste or nutrition.