News that internet coverage will be boosted in a village or rural town would normally be welcomed by people living in them. 

However, that is not the case in the Broadland Norfolk village of Felthorpe.

For the appearance of a fibre optic pole outside the Church Lane home of Chris Wright has caused consternation. 

City Fibre say the pole is necessary to connect other properties in the lane.

Mr Wright, an ex-IT specialist and county councillor with 57 years of experience, says the pole is “completely unnecessary” as there is already underground ducting along the street through which houses can be connected.

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The pole outside Mr Wrights homeThe pole outside Mr Wrights home (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest)

He has been battling with City Fibre ever since the pole went up.

The statutory notice left after the erection of the poleThe statutory notice left after the erection of the pole (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest)

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Mr Wright said: “I know what I’m looking at. With fibre optic, you put it underground, that’s the idea.

"It would be quicker and easier to blow the cables underground, which is what they normally do. 

“It's better for the environment and for appearances, Norfolk is a lovely county, why spoil it with poles and pylons."

Furthermore Mr Wright, along with others on the street, does not even want fibre optic connection.

Mr Wright says the company had sent out an engineer who backed up the claim that there was no need to install the pole.

He said: "The engineer told me they had not surveyed the area properly, he looked in the manhole and said everything was already there.

The manhole, next to the pole, with access to the ductThe manhole, next to the pole, with access to the duct (Image: Jack Warren, Newsquest)

In an email to Mr Wright City Fibre say that the pole is necessary for connecting up other houses further down the street as there is no underground options for house numbers 21 and 23.

Mr Wright has involved his MP Jerome Mayhew in the dispute. 

There is due to be a meeting on Thursday, August 29 between Mr Wright, City Fibre and a constituency assistant to Mr Mayhew.