A Norwich man has denied possession of hundreds of indecent videos of children, some as young as 12 months. 

David Warman, 39, appeared before Norwich Magistrates’ Court to face eight separate charges dating to February 2023, three of which involving the making of images and videos of children. 

The allegations include 678 videos and six still images adjudged to be category A - the most serious.  

He is also accused of having 208 videos and eight still images of category B and 27 videos and 10 images said to be category C. 

Warman, of Wheeler Road, pleaded not guilty to three counts of making indecent images of a child. 

He also denied possession of cocaine on the same date but pleaded guilty to possessing GHB, a class B drug also known as liquid ecstasy.

He did not enter a plea to two further charges of sending indecent, obscene or menacing messages in 2021. 

Deputy District Judge Jacqui Appleton committed him to stand trial at Norwich Crown Court with a preliminary hearing on September 17.

He was given conditional bail not to contact children or use devices capable of hiding its search history.