Farmers have been urged to complete a 2024 harvest survey to help industry leaders lobby for a "stronger arable sector".

The National Farmers' Union (NFU) is asking its members to take a few minutes to share their data in the annual survey, before the September 29 deadline.

NFU combinable crops board chairman Jamie Burrows said the results would help union leaders to make the strongest case to government for "policies that build resilience in the sector".

“Given the challenges faced by growers this year, I want to ask for your support in our 2024 Harvest Survey, and to stress just how important it is to gather this data,” he said.

“It means we will be able to evidence how this year’s perfect storm of increased input costs and weather have affected harvest.

He added: “Your experiences are not only important on a national scale, but also at regional level, where variations, especially in terms of the weather, will tell the story of the disparities across the country.

“The more regional data we have, the more tailored we can be when taking this information back to MPs and officials, and the more relevant a case we can make."

NFU members can complete the survey at