With two As and a B in physics, maths and chemistry, Norwich teenager Ben Gibbs could have had his pick of near enough any university in the country.

But while many of his friends will be preparing to pack their bags for university, next month the 18-year-old Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form leaver is preparing to start a new career.

Ben has been snapped up for a five-year civil engineering apprenticeship course by Norwich-based Canham Consulting.

(Image: Denise Bradley)

He said: "I think the most important thing for me wasn't having the uni experience - it was how can I benefit my career best.

"I think my friends do understand my decision and have all been really supportive and I know we'll stay in touch. 

"This feels like a really good alternative to university and I think will be more beneficial to me in the long run."

But while Ben is preparing to enter the world of work, many of his former classmates are getting ready to move on to higher education.

Maya Narracott and Natasha Burton celebrating their A Level resultsMaya Narracott and Natasha Burton celebrating their A Level results (Image: Denise Bradley)

Among them is Maya Narracott, who will be starting a degree in natural sciences at the University of Cambridge next September - following a gap year that will see her visit Costa Rica. 

She achieved A* grades in biology and chemistry and an A in maths.

She said: "I was almost not going to apply for Cambridge because I never thought I would get in, but I realised I had nothing to lose."

Her friend Natasha Burton, almost 18, is due to study pharmacy at the University of Cardiff, having already gained work experience in this field.

She said of a placement taken during her studies she was even able to prepare medication for her mother.

Katie Howell, pictured with his mum Jenny (Image: Denise Bradley)

Other success stories at the school included Reuben Odunjo, who achieved an A* in psychology, an A in biology and an A in chemistry and Katie Howell, who was overcome by emotion after achieving A grades in maths and German and a B in psychology.