One of Britain's top competitive eaters saw off a monster Norfolk sandwich in style -  and even had room left for pudding.

BeardMeatsFood, aka YouTuber Adam Moran, stepped up to the plate at Spar Dersingham, near King's Lynn, to take on a super-sized sarni called Spar-ticus.

The 2ft French stick crammed with six rashers of bacon, six eggs, two foot-long sausages, hash browns, mushrooms and cheese, will set competitors back a wallet-busting £19.95p.

Nearly there... Spar-ticus meets its match as BeardMeetsFood scoffs it down in less than 20 minutesNearly there... Spar-ticus meets its match as BeardMeetsFood scoffs it down in less than 20 minutes (Image: Liam Cross)

But customers get their money back if they can polish it off in under 20 minutes.

And Mr Moran did just that, seeing off Spar-ticus in 17 mins, 40 secs, before asking for desert.

Spar Dersingham manager Liam Cross said: "He completed the challenge and then asked for more food after - a portion of our battered chicken bites and a potato dog which he poured honey onto.

Spar Dersingham manager Liam Cross (left) with BeardMeetsFoodSpar Dersingham manager Liam Cross (left) with BeardMeetsFood (Image: Liam Cross)

"And then continuing the tradition of all his videos, he indulged in dessert which was a cream Belgian bun.

"He was a lovely chap and made everyone’s day, customers loved the buzz and excitement this created and we would now love anyone to come and see if they can beat his time."

Mr Cross said prior to Beard's visit Spar-ticus had only had two takers since being added to the menu earlier this year - neither of whom managed the beat the clock.

BeardMeetsFood surveys the challenge before tucking inBeardMeetsFood surveys the challenge before tucking in (Image: Liam Cross)

Mr Moran, a former banker from Yorkshire, began his eating challenges in 2014.

He travels around the UK, Europe and America, filming his exploits for his YouTube channel, which has more than 4m subscribers.

They include seeing off a 100oz steak challenge at a pub in Swaffham.

Staff get Spar-ticus prepped for the challenge - with six rashers of bacon, six eggs, two foot-long sausages, hash browns, mushrooms and cheese crammed into a 2ft French stickStaff get Spar-ticus prepped for the challenge - with six rashers of bacon, six eggs, two foot-long sausages, hash browns, mushrooms and cheese crammed into a 2ft French stick (Image: Liam Cross)

His stomach and taste buds are said to have been insured for £1m by a chain of American-style diner restaurants, for whom he acts as official taster.

Career highlights include eating 155 McDonald’s Chicken nuggets in 40 mins, 17 McDonalds Big Macs in an hour and 40 Cadbury's Creme Eggs in 12 mins.

But he only takes part in challenges weekly, eating healthily for the remainder of the time.