A young whale which became stranded in shallow water off a Norfolk beach has died.

The 10ft female pilot whale was first seen off Snettisham Beach, near King's Lynn, on Sunday

Paddleboarders tried to coax it out into deeper water, and at first it appeared the creature had managed to swim away to safety.

The whale was first seen off Snettisham on SundayThe whale was first seen off Snettisham on Sunday (Image: Les Bunyan)

But it returned on Monday, became stranded, and died. 

Whale watcher Carl Chapman posted on his Norfolk Cetaceans website: "After initially freeing itself on the high tide of August 11 the long-finned pilot whale at Snettisham re-stranded on August 12 and sadly died mid evening.

"Thanks go to Matt Curtis and the BDMLR (British Divers Marine Life Rescue) team for updating me and the hard work they put in to make this 3.28m long juvenile female as comfortable as possible in what must have been very difficult conditions."