A bookkeeper who was forced to give up work after several episodes of Covid left her bedbound died after falling down stairs. 

Sally Newman, of Brick Kiln Road in Hevingham, near Aylsham, died at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital (N&N) on December 14 last year.  

The 60 year old first contracted coronavirus in March 2020, before suffering from further episodes every year before her death. 

Each time she was unable to leave her bed for several days, and would spend months recovering trying to regain her strength. 

In a statement read out at Norfolk Coroner’s Court this week, her husband, Steven Spark, said: “Each time she had Covid, it took her months to recover. 

“Sally also had bad side effects from her third Covid vaccine and was quite poorly for a time. Her health seemed to slowly decrease.” 

In March 2023, she tested positive for Covid again. 

Mr Spark added: “She started to have the odd falls around the house like she was blacking out. 

“She had to leave employment due to feeling so unwell. She was unable to perform her normal tasks.” 

By mid-July she started experiencing sickness and tiredness, losing more than three stones in weight. 

On the night of December 9, her husband found her unconscious at their home. 

He said: “At around midnight, I heard a loud crashing noise and went to look for her, and found her at the bottom of the stairs hardly breathing.” 

Mr Spark dialled 999 and began CPR, before paramedics arrived and took her to the N&N

Mrs Newman was later moved to the high-dependency unit where she deteriorated and died. 

Reading from the evidence, the senior coroner for Norfolk, Jacqueline Lake, said: “Evidence from the hospital and the post-mortem examination showed severe and extensive lung disease present, leading to the acute respiratory distress syndrome.” 

The medical cause of death was given as diffuse alveolar damage, due to decompensated alcoholic liver disease, with pulmonary emboli and a fall down the stairs.    

Mrs Lake concluded that she died from "natural causes contributed by an accidental fall." 

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