hree paddling pensioners have raised more than £15,000 for a farming mental health charity after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum.

The "Three Old Men in Boats" challenge set off from Sculthorpe Mill, near Fakenham, and finished the following day at Pulls Ferry in Norwich.

The trio, with a combined age of 239, includes two members of the Holt Rotary Club - Rod Hunt, 85, and John Rampling, 84 - along with 70-year-old Henry Kilvert from Little Dunham.

'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum (Image: YANA)

Mr Kilvert is a trustee of YANA (You Are Not Alone), the Norfolk-based rural mental health charity which will benefit from the fundraising effort.

He said the epic challenge was harder than anticipated - and after generating £15,000 he hopes the team's efforts will continue to raise money towards their £25,000 target.

"The three of us who undertook the kayak adventure may have underestimated the many barriers and blockages we would encounter on the route," he said.

"The upper reaches of the River Wensum – beautiful as the river is – are, in places, beset with fallen trees, choked with reeds and have banks thick with brambles and nettles.

'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum (Image: YANA)

"Nevertheless, we feel a considerable sense of achievement in overcoming the obstacles and delighted that our efforts are bringing in donations that are helping us to meet the target of £25,000 that YANA needs to operate for 12 months."

The three kayakers were greeted at the end of their epic trip by a crowd of more than 50 supporters and well-wishers including Lady Philippa Dannatt, the Lord-Lieutenant of Norfolk, and Vivien Thomas, the Lord Mayor of Norwich.

Donations can still be made to the fundraising total at

YANA’s confidential helpline can be contacted on 0300 323 0400, or via or

'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum'Three Old Men in Boats' have raised more than £15,000 for farming mental health charity YANA after kayaking 30 miles along the River Wensum (Image: YANA)