A former headteacher has been jailed for subjecting a young trainee at his school to a campaign of harassment. 

Gregory Hill, the former head of Howard Junior School in King's Lynn, was jailed today for 20 weeks. 

Described by the judge as "obsessive", the 48-year-old bombarded Chloe Regester, 23, with messages and claimed he was in love with her. 

Gregory Hill pictured outside an earlier hearing (Image: Newsquest) After being convicted of harassment last month, he was sentenced today at Norwich Magistrates' Court.

The judge described the outcome as a “significant and spectacular fall from grace”, adding, "Even now you fail to realise how wrong your behaviour was...you are an obsessive individual and you abused the power you held."

The court heard how Hill subjected the young trainee to a campaign of harassment after she spurned his unwanted romantic advances.

Howard Junior School in King's Lynn (Image: Chris Bishop) In a statement, Ms Regester said: "He was always hounding me with messages and emails late at night.

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"I started to struggle with sleeping and would have nightmares.

"I had concerns that Hill was aware of my movements and this led to a fear of seeing him when I was out and about.

“These last few years have completely changed me as a person, and I do not know if I will ever return to the person I once was.”

The former head was also found guilty of resisting arrest at his school in March 2023.

Extraordinary footage released by Norfolk Police showed Hill's 33-minute attempt to resist as he lay in a hedgerow outside the school, screaming and claiming to have been assaulted, before pretending to be unconscious.

He was also sentenced to a four-year stalking protection order, prohibiting him from contacting Ms Regester or entering her place of work, along with other restrictions surrounding his use of social media and mobile phones.