A mother and daughter are gearing up for an epic 400km charity cycle ride from Vietnam to Cambodia.

Tamsin and Josie Beaumont aim to raise funds for St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice.

Their mother and grandmother, Carolyn Alston, had received care from the hospice before her death in 2023.

Scheduled for November, the ten-day cycling challenge will commence in Ho Chi Minh City and conclude at Angkor Wat.

The Beaumonts will be part of an all-female cycling event organised by Dream Challenges.

The pair are raising funds for St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice, where Carolyn Alston, received care before her death in 2023 The pair are raising funds for St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice. Carolyn Alston received care before her death in 2023 (Image: Submitted)

Their cause hits close to home as the funds raised will be a 'thank you' to the hospice for the support it gave Carolyn and the family in their Beccles home.

Tamsin said: “My daughter Josie and I have done an overnight cycle in the past and we were keen to do another to show our gratitude to St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice for the great support they gave mum and our whole family.

“Mum really appreciated the support of the hospice’s services and she would say we are ridiculous for doing this, but she would also be so proud of us raising funds for such a special cause."

Tamsin with her Mum and daughter Tamsin with her Mum and daughter (Image: Submitted)

Tamsin and Josie's cycle will be a meaningful attempt to give back to the hospice and support other families and patients coping with harsh life adversities.

According to the hospice, since April 2019, more than 4,900 patients and their families in Great Yarmouth and Waveney have been provided care.

Kelly Nekrews, community fundraiser at St Elizabeth East Coast Hospice, said: “Best of luck to Tamsin and Josie with this fantastic endurance challenge in aid of the hospice.

“Every pound they raise will make such a difference to patients and families under our care, as we continue to expand our services to support even more people in the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area.”

To make a donation visit justgiving.com and search for Josie Beaumont.