Fire crews were called to battle a blaze at a fish and chip shop in Lowestoft.

Appliances were sent to Mr Chips in Stradbroke Road before midday following reports of a fire in the commercial chip fryer and flue. 

Firefighters used breathing apparatus, hose reel jets and positive pressure ventilation to put it out.

READ MORE: Police investigate arson attack in Dunwich Way in Lowestoft

They were on scene for more than an hour until they received their stop message at around 1.15pm.

A member of staff at the chip shop confirmed nobody was hurt and expressed his gratitude for how quickly it was resolved.

"Thankfully everyone was okay," he said. "We were just very, very lucky that it was noticed so quickly.

"We aren't sure whether we will be open tonight because we have some cleaning to do but we are just grateful it wasn't worse."