The public is invited to a special service marking the anniversary of VJ Day in Great Yarmouth.

This traditional thanksgiving and remembrance service will commence at 6pm on Thursday, August 15 at the Far East Prisoner of War (FEPOW) Memorial on Marine Parade.

VJ Day marks the surrender of Imperial Japan in August 1945, ending the Second World War.

This day carries local importance as many men from the borough served in the Far East during the war.

FEPOW Chaplain Pauline Simpson BEM will lead the service.

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A moment of silence will be observed for two minutes, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony.

Great Yarmouth's Mayor, Councillor Paula Waters-Bunn, will be present to lay a wreath on behalf of the borough.

Councillor Waters-Bunn said: "VJ Day is a worldwide day of remembrance for the far east prisoners of war.

"This year and every year we invite the people of the borough to join us as we remember the price they paid for our freedom."

Members of the public are welcome and should arrive by 5.50pm for a 6pm start.