A man's hope for 'additional living space' has been dashed after an appeal to build an extension was rejected. 

Alex Denny wanted to extend his property on Green Lane in Caister to create an extra room and a garage.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council rejected the application over concerns the extension would be "excessive" compared to the original house. 

Mr Denny then appealed that refusal to the Planning Inspectorate - but the decision was upheld.

READ MORE: Man loses battle to bulldoze 'ugly' garage and build house for his son

The inspector said most of the buildings along the road were bungalows - whereas the appeal property was a two-storey house with a detached garage.

They said the extension would result in "a loss of the openness at the end of the cul-de-sac viewed from the High Street end and approaching down the lane".

Due to its overall size, they said, the extension would be "a harmful addition" to the area.

The inspector acknowledged Mr Denny was "frustrated with the process involved in pursuing this proposal" - before dismissing the appeal.

Caister Parish Council had not objected to the plans