Saturday day ticket guests to Latitude have complained of being stuck in a mile-long queue for more than two hours as they waited to get their wristbands.

The line of people is said to have been stagnant for large periods with revellers waiting to enter the site left baffled by the delays.

Henry Garratt, who lives in the nearby village of Reydon, was one of those caught up in the queue.

"The line was nothing like I’ve seen before, in past years we just wandered through," he said.

"This year was different, I’d say the line to get in was around 800m to 1km and it simply was not moving.

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"It is a waste of time and completely ridiculous, fortunately, I got there nice and early so didn't miss any acts I was eager to see.

"I feel lucky because I imagine the people behind me still might not be in. The only positive about the delay was that it allowed me to soak up some rays."

It is not known why there were such delays.

Festival Republic and Latitude have not commented on the issues.

Day ticket guests to Latitude Festival have been held up in queues for up to two hours upon entryDay ticket guests to Latitude Festival have been held up in queues for up to two hours upon entry (Image: Submitted)