Victoria Rose Ragan, a member of Feel Good Norfolk, looks at the wide range of benefits of pilates

Do you ever feel like life is speeding up, whizzing past you while you struggle to keep up? I certainly do.

My to-do list never seems to end, and I find myself wishing for more hours in the day as I hit the pillow at night. 

The constant pressures of life mean we are feeling the effects of stress related issues like anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout.

Which can look a lot like feeling constantly tired, struggling with focus, and even physical pains like tension in your shoulders or back. 

Sound familiar?

As a society, we often fail to prioritize self-care, making it difficult to find time for ourselves when we feel there's no time to spare.

However, taking care of yourself first allows you to give more to others, transforming self-care into a gift not just for yourself, but for those around you.

(Credit: Emma Cullen Photography) 

I recently had a client tell me how incredible she felt after gifting herself a little time to complete one of my online classes.

She had been struggling with shoulder pain for weeks, something she is aware comes on when she is feeling particularly stressed.

She had been putting off the class due to lack of time.

Yet this particular day she decided enough was enough, she would carve out the time in her diary to see if a little movement would help.

Miraculously the pain went away after completing the class!

By taking time to move and stretch her body, she alleviated the stress from her shoulder and released the tension she was holding so tightly onto. She felt a million times better!

(Credit: Emma Cullen Photography)

So, what is Pilates?

Well, it is a movement system designed to enhance the body’s overall strength and capability to function optimally. 

It not only works the body but the mind too.

Encouraging you to slow the pace of your racing mind and connect into your body.

Giving you the chance to think about not just ‘what’ the movement is but most importantly ‘how’ you are doing it. 

Joseph Pilates, the creator of the method, knew that if you could connect the ‘how’ to each movement you would have greater focus, more power and deeper strength. 

He created the method over 100 years ago and it is still relevant to this day, because the system was designed to help build strong bodies not for aesthetics but for success. 

He knew that with consistent practice you could feel as though you had a brand new body, free from aches and pains and full of vigour!

He innovated pieces of apparatus designed to give optimal feedback and resistance, so that there could be no ‘cheating’ when practicing the method.

You might have heard of the most popular one, the reformer, but there are many other pieces that you can find in a Pilates studio. 

Each piece of apparatus was designed to build the body in a different way, and when the system was followed correctly vast improvements were noticed. 

Pain was gone, strength was found and a deep rooted feeling of confidence formed. Visibly noticed not only whilst in the studio but in everyday life.

(Credit: Emma Cullen Photography)

So why now?

Thankfully Pilates has gotten a lot more coverage of late (thanks Harry Styles!) but Pilates is not a fad.

As mentioned earlier it has been around for decades and stood the test of time in helping those that practice it feel great in their skin. 

What you do in the studio will trickle into your everyday life. You will stand taller, feel stronger and move about your everyday with ease. Your confidence will radiate from within!

I believe everyone should experience the power of Pilates. Whether through a mat class or in a fully equipped studio, Pilates is accessible and beneficial for all. 

Inspiring movement from decades ago.

Below is an excerpt by Joseph Pilates written in 1945, which I think is just as (or even more so) relevant to our world today. Showing how timeless and important the Pilates method is. 

This quote is taken from his book Return to Life through Contrology.

“This very rapidly progressing world, with it’s ever increasing faster tempo of living demands that we be physically fit and alert in order that we may succeed in the unceasing race with keen competition, which rewards the ‘go getter’ but bypasses the ‘no getter.” 

These words remind us of the importance of physical fitness and mental alertness in navigating our fast-paced lives.

Join the community!

You are welcome to come join me in person, online or through social media. You can even join my waitlist for my new studio opening in January 2025!

My mission is to create a space to not only learn and master the art of Pilates but to come and find community, friendship and deeper connections to both yourself and others.

Head to my website or search for me under the same name across social media. 

And if you are looking for some other options to build a better life why not sign up to the Feel Good Norfolk newsletter where you will gain access to free content, offers, discounts and receive regular updates of events provided  by amazing wellness specialists right here in Norfolk, who want nothing more than to help you Feel Good!

Check out their podcast for tips or come along to the community wellness hub in Norwich to explore a variety of activities that promote good health.